Thursday, 13 November 2014

Life of Muhammad PBUH

Muhammad PBUH is one of the greatest Messengers of Allah. The series of Messengers sent by Allah SWT started from Adam PBUH and Muhammad PBUH was a seal on Prophets and no Messenger would come after him. Life of Muhammad PBUH is one of the greatest gifts sent to humanity because we can learn and extract so many lessons for our lives. He PBUH is the highest of the creations. Whenever Allah SWT mentions about himself in the Quran, we would see the mentioning of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah instantly. There are various example of it. We can see this in the Qalima (Testification), Darud (Salutation to Prophet Muhammad) and Adhaan (Call for prayer). Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is a mercy for the human beings. Some of his characteristics are below.

Names of Prophet Muhammad PBUH given by Allah
There are numerous name of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and all of those names befits perfectly to his character and lifestyle. We can also find lessons from those names. Some of the names of Prophet Muhammad PBUH mentioned in the Quran are Muhammad (mentioned 4 times in the Quran) and Ahmad (mentioned 1 time in the Quran). Ahmad means to praise someone. It is being thankful to the creator, not because He has given us a lot of things but because He is so deserving that we praise him regardless of any benefit from Him. This is called Hamd.

 Life of Muhammad PBUH in Makkah
After Prophet Hood, Prophet Muhammad PBUH spent 13 years in Makkah. Prophet Muhammad PBUH carried to calling people of Makkah towards Islam. People (Companions) who joined Prophet Muhammad’s call also carried on with the same mission of propogating Islam. Earlier on all of them invited their close relatives to Islam. Then this Dawah expanded and Prophet Muhammad along with his companions tried to access the leaders of Makkan tribes and tribes in vicinity or suburbs of Makkah. Very few tribes accepted the offer, some got neutralized while the others opposed. Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his companions faced many trials and tribulations from the Abu Jahl and his cos. They remained patient even though they were socially and economically boycotted. When the oppressions reached to the level as it was getting difficult, Prophet Muhammad sent few companions to migrate to Madinah and call people towards Islam. 

  Life of Muhammad PBUH in Madinah
 Prophet Muhammad PBUH was gleefully accepted by the people of Madinah who gave him a tremendous welcome. This happened because of an incredible ground work done by Musab Bin Umair RA who went to almost all of the inhabitants of Madinah and explained them of the situation. This was a big setback for the people of Makkah and they started to continue a series of battles to harm the Muslims. But very intelligently Prophet Muhammad PBUH signed peace treaties with jews and other tribes to protect Madinah and they were successful in doing so. After extinguishing the danger from Makkan people, Prophet Muhammad PBUH conquered Makkah and then continued to spread Islam outside Arabian Peninsula to the rest of world.

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